How to Select a Best Content/Niche For New Blog- Free Blogging Guide to Make Money

Here our problem is how to make a blogger which is look like a professional. When we start  a blog there are so many factors that affect our work. If you have thought to start a blog but you don't know which content is  best for you. Every person is brilliant in one subject. The backbone of the site is its content. So only take a niche that you have more knowledge.

Why we are blogging ?

All Bloggers are not writing for money. Some of us are working to express their idea. But here we are looking for the best earning platform. You can make  money by publishing ads on your site. So first we want AdSense in our site. AdSense is the best earning platform for websites. AdSense didn't support some content that are violating their policy. So when we select a niche it wants to be best for AdSense.

AdSense Unsupported Contents. 

  • Sexually Explicit Content
  • Child Sexual abuse material and Paedophilia
  • Adult Themes in Family content
  • Dangerous or Derogatory content
  • illegal content
  • Violence Promoting
  • Discrimination.

Another important is that to be all content is original. If you copy content from other sites it didn't allow this. 

Let's check some keyword that pay more money than another niche.

  • Insurance
  • Legal
  • Online education
  • Banking
  • Marketing and advertising
But this is not best to create a content, these topics have more competitive sites, so when you start a site make sure that you are expert in that.when you get more visitors, then the earning will be increase.  So take a less competitive topic, or a long tail keyword.  Long term keyword will help you to get exact visitors to your site.

When you take topic you must be expert in that, Before starting take a good niche that has less competition and a good CPC.

Best content for AdSense is not an exact term, it only give us an idea about the advertising strength. When you make content with rich keyword your site will rank more fastly i n google. So that will help you to get more visitors. This is called search engine optimization. SEO is a best way to rank in google.

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