How to Create a Free blog
For Every Blogging method we need the best platform. Here we select Blogger,
blogger is a product of google. Let's create a free account for blogger.
Follow my step to get best result.
Why We Selected blogger
You have so many choice to select the best platform, Because each platform has
different positive sides. Most of the users are selecting WordPress as a
blogging platform. Because it has more plugins and more specifications than
blogger. But I selected blogger as my blogging platform. Because blogger is
free to use. When we use other platform we want to buy hosting plans. Here we
are free to use this. So don't worry about the cost of the work. If you want a
domain name then it cost below 500 in first year and below 1000 for every
renewal. Blogger has limited functions only but the use of coding and html
plugins we can make it more perfect.
How to Create a Blogger Account
- You need a Gmail account to start (If you don't have a Gmail just create it)
- Go to to create account.
- You will see a CREATE YOUR BLOG Button.
- Then select your Gmail account.
Then you want a make an author name. This is will display your name
like "created by John".
- After typing your name Click Continue to Blogger.
Then Click Create Blog.
After this you want to configure your site address / domain name.
Don't worry about it let's make a free domain and after some time we will
upgrade to a high level domain like.IN .COM . First time you can create domain like
- In the Title area give your site name
- In the Address section create a free domain like
- In the Theme section select Simple Theme.
- Then click Create Blog
- First Section Finished
Later you can change blog Address / Domain name, Title and Author Name / Display Name
How to Select a Best Blog Address / Domain Name
When you select or buy a domain name that must be short and specific. For
example, you are creating a blog about tech then you are created a blog
address like this is a long domain name so make it sure your address is short like . some domains name is
already exist so you don't get it then try another short and suitable
Why a Blog Need a High Level Domain
When you create a blog you will get a free domain like this is not good to improve your site. When you
use high level domain like, you will get more visitors
and site will rank in search list. Also, the chance of getting AdSense
is high in high level domain .