HTML Quiz Maker - Multiple Choice Quiz Maker
HTML Quiz Maker Help yo to create Multiple choice Quiz for your blogger.No need a code editing so if you do not know coding don't worry HTML Quiz Maker for blogger is a free tool with graphical user interface.
HTML Quiz Maker will provide you Multiple Choice Quiz HTML Code. This is a javascript Quiz Maker it will automatically generate the code for your blog. HTMl Quiz Maker have user interface to add questiona and select answer
HTML Quiz for blogger have a option to edit all style code for quiz that display in your blog you can edit all style. This is a best feature in HTML quiz Maker for blogger
HTML Multiple choice quiz code for blogger have a option to preview the style edit it will help you to the preview the style you select
HTML Quiz Code for blogger have a option to copy the seo optimized code for the will help to make a quiz faster with out html coding skill or knowledge
Please Write your suggestion in comment section
Time For One Question
Exam Name
Second Input Field name
Button Text Color
Button Background-color
Quiz Box Text Color
Quiz Box Color
HTML Quiz Maker For Blogger -Free Multiple Choice Quiz Maker
HTMl Quiz Maker is a tool that help to create a quiz for blogger.There is somany tool but some features is only available in this tool. This HTML quiz Maker is completely for everyone no hidden charge is needed to unlock any feature. In this HTML Quiz Maker it is with no credit footer link. Also it have a feature to download the score.
How to create online test using Html Quiz Maker
It is very simple to create a quiz using the section first you want to enter question and qptions in input form. Don't forget to select a answer. There is a feature to edit your quiz theme you can edit all color and and input form name in settigs. For copying code click code section and copy code and paste it in your blogger post. it will help you to load quiz fastly
Html quiz code with score
This quiz have a good score calculation method.For every question it have one mark and a specific time to attend each question so the quiz maker automatically calculate user score and display at the end of quiz alsp there is a option to restart the quiz